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Disneyland Article
Waterfront Dining Across From The Haunted Mansion
Orange County Register
Brady Macdonald
Disneyland has opened a multi-level waterfront dining area themed as a dock where rivercraft load and unload supplies across from the Haunted Mansion in New Orleans Square with a view of the boats traveling along the Rivers of America.

The new Pelican’s Landing dining area opens Friday, Nov. 19 next to the Harbour Galley quick-service restaurant, according to Disneyland officials.

Pelican’s Landing offers waterfront views of the Mark Twain Riverboat, Sailing Ship Columbia and Davy Crockett’s Explorer Canoes plying the Rivers of America.

Harbour Galley, which serves seafood and soups, was expanded to include the upper and lower Pelican’s Landing seating areas as part of a new dock structure.

The sea shanty restaurant -— which serves lobster rolls and clam chowder — will offer a Ghost Mariner’s Seafood Boil with Cajun-buttered shrimp, Andouille sausage, red potatoes and corn starting in December.

Pelican’s Landing will serve Harbour Galley diners as well as visitors ordering from other nearby quick-service restaurant locations in New Orleans Square, Critter Country, Adventureland and Frontierland.

Visitors will dine on crate props that double as tables and chairs on the lower level of Pelican’s Landing where rivercraft load and unload supplies.

Disney Imagineers Michele Hobbs and Michael Dobrzycki oversaw the Pelican’s Landing project.

According to the backstory created for the project, Pelican’s Landing was established in 1787 — the same year the real-world Columbia Rediviva was built, which inspired Disneyland’s full-scale replica.

A pod of brown pelicans — the state bird of Louisiana — will nest above the Pelican’s Landing gantry marquee.

Pelican’s Landing will feature shadow boxes filled with props like a sailor’s macrame, bosun’s whistles, ship’s rosters and local flora and fauna as well as fictional historical information about the Sailing Ship Columbia and Mark Twain Riverboat.

Disneyland will reassess “Fantasmic” seating at Pelican’s Landing once the nighttime spectacular returns.

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