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Disneyland Article
I Was A VIP Tour Guide Here Are 5 Things I Saw People Regret When They Visited
Amber Wainwright
I worked as a VIP tour guide at Disneyland and have seen guests regret how they spend their time.

Many people missed out on less busy park days because of light rain.

A few guests didn't dress for function, and one man I saw even had shoes delivered to the park.

While working at Disneyland as a VIP tour guide, I noticed that plenty of guests regret how they spend their time in the parks.

Here are five of the most common regrets I saw guests have while visiting Disneyland.

Overdressing for a long day in the park

Seeing people dressed in Disney-themed attire is one of my favorite things. In fact, I love coordinating my outfits and taking photos in the parks.

However, I've noticed that many park guests fail to remember that their outfits should also be functional. People often regret wearing heels, flip-flops, and brand-new shoes to Disneyland.

I once heard a man who was wearing dress shoes say he wanted to go home halfway through the day. To help his aching feet, he had tennis shoes delivered to him via Uber.

Spending too much time at sit-down dinners

Many guests like to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the yummy Disneyland snacks when they visit. However, I recommend remaining mindful of how much time and money this may cost.

If guests have limited time to explore the parks, spending two to three hours at a costly dining experience might not be worth it.

I've seen the look of disappointment on people's faces when they finish an expensive dinner and realize they no longer have time to ride the No. 1 attraction on their list.

Instead, I always told guests to grab some quick snacks or limit their time at restaurants during their visit.

Only making time for rides

Disneyland has fun rides, but there are so many other things to do in the parks.

The place is full of talented, hardworking staff members who create and perform in shows worth attending.

I recommend checking out parades, nighttime spectaculars like ''Mickey's Mix Magic,'' and daily events.

Canceling a trip because of light rain

I love spending time in the parks when there's a light sprinkle of rain.

As long as I have a coat and the rain isn't too heavy, I can have a great day without the sun beating down on me.

I've noticed that some guests cancel their plans due to an expected drizzle. However, many rides and attractions still operate in light rain.

Don't miss a less busy park day because of a little bit of rain.

Only going to Disneyland with other people

Going to the parks with friends is a lot of fun, but there are also perks to enjoying a park day alone.

When guests travel solo to Disney, they don't have to argue about what to do next, can use the single-rider line at some attractions, and operate on their own schedule.

So many people let a fear of spending time with themselves prevent them from having a great time in the parks.

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