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Disneyland Article
Music is Magic
Cal Jones
I don't even remember my first trip to Disneyland as a child. My first trip with my high school band, on the other hand, I do remember, if a little vaguely. Hey, I've been going since I was a kid, and even with my makeshift leash, all the wonderful memories have always tended to blend together. It was when I was a freshman in high school and we were to march down Main Street, something we did every year. Everyone, from the kids to the chaperones, got in free to both parks, as California Adventure had just opened that year.

Getting to be an honorary cast member for one day all four years was one of the greatest times in my life. The experience cemented my love for performing and I came to realize, if I could have any job in Disneyland, I would want to be a performer, preferably in Fantasmic as Maleficent, (part of which the band performed at school), or in the Disneyland band (my hand writing is far too messy for me to be a princess face character).

Whether I was with my actual family or my ever growing band family, all the way through adulthood, when we got to go to Disneyland, I was always bubbling with excitement. Especially once I started writing fiction, the night before we left, as it was usually very early, I would put together a bag of 'essentials' including a notebook and pen, moola, and some CDs or mix tapes of Disney music to listen to on the hour or so long drive.

With the band, in preparation to march, we would all meet under the Toontown bridge to wait for a cast member to take us backstage to the changing rooms, marching in two lines. That wait would be around half an hour or so, and all of us would find ways to keep ourselves entertained while we waited. Of course, to keep the magic alive, we weren't allowed to take any pictures. We started around It's a Small World.

After hanging out with the drummers, who were what we called Dewheads, I started smuggling Mountain Dew into the park, usually a liter bottle. Even if I didn't go with the band, I would wear the tee shirt we we wore under our uniforms, an Indiana Jones styles fedora and eventually carry a tan messenger bag with the Mickey Mouse Club logo on it.

So far, my son has only been twice. He loved Innoventions (trying to play the piano), the Columbia and Peter Pan. Sadly, he fell asleep before Fantasmic started both times, so he's only experienced it with the soundtrack and videos. He has the same love for Disney and music as I do. I'm fairly positive he will be the drummer I probably ought to have been.

The music of Disneyland will forever be ingrained in my psyche, as well as my son's. He's autistic and re-enacting his favorite parts of Disney movies and musicals helps bring him out of his shell. With everyone in my family, music is certainly magic.

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