Mickey Mouse and a cast of beloved Disney characters will embark on a series of musical adventures through the magical powers of a sorcerer's map in "Mickey and the Magical Map," the all-new live show coming to the Fantasyland Theatre in Disneyland Park May 25. Created by Disney Creative Entertainment, "Mickey and the Magical Map" was conceived for children of all ages and represents the return of ...
Is Wildest Ride In The Wilderness Almost Ready To Roll After Year Of Renovations
Could the "Wildest ride in the wilderness" begin streaking through one of the best known ghost towns in the west in early February? Big Thunder Mountain Railroad has been closed since last January for an extensive refurbishment. It was originally scheduled to reopen in the fall, but in October the park announced the downtime had been extended to early 2014. My fingers and toes are crossed the ...
Disneyland Bringing Frontierland Dueling Piano Show To Golden Horseshoe Saloon This Fall
A new dueling piano show will replace the long-running “Laughing Stock Co.” at the Golden Horseshoe Saloon in Frontierland this fall as Disneyland begins adding new entertainment to replace retiring shows. The dueling piano show will be joined by a strolling magician who will entertain visitors in Frontierland as part of a new slate of live entertainment, Disneyland announced Wednesday, Sept. ...
New Dueling Piano Show Set To Debut In Frontierlands Golden Horseshoe Saloon
A new dueling piano show replacing the long-running “Laughing Stock Co.” at Disneyland is set to begin its run at the Golden Horseshoe Saloon in Frontierland as part of new lineup of entertainment replacing retiring shows. The “Showdown at The Golden Horseshoe” dueling piano show in the Frontierland restaurant is scheduled to begin on Friday, Nov. 22, according to Disney officials. ...
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