Mickey Mouse and a cast of beloved Disney characters will embark on a series of musical adventures through the magical powers of a sorcerer's map in "Mickey and the Magical Map," the all-new live show coming to the Fantasyland Theatre in Disneyland Park May 25. Created by Disney Creative Entertainment, "Mickey and the Magical Map" was conceived for children of all ages and represents the return of ...
The First Hint that my mission will be daunting: I tell the cast member in Guest Relations the title of the article I'm researching, and she starts to giggle. Disneyland in a day? Who am I kidding? "It might be a little hard," she says, handing me my tickets, "to do it all in a day." Disneyland has its own special feel, and nostalgia is only part of it. Yes, it's the only park Walt Disney lived to ...
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