To show off the ships meticulously detailed interior a walk-through exhibit known as the Below Decks Museum opened onFebruary 22nd 1964. Guests who minded thy head as signs warned are able to tour the cramped low-ceiling quarters endured by ancient mariners.The museum shows what life was like for the 1787 crew. In addition to the galley, pantry, dry stores, and sick bay, there are quarters for the crew, boson and boson's mate, first mate, captain, and surgeon.Below the main deck you'll find historical displays recreating the living conditions of 18th-century sailors. The maritime museum celebrates the dedication and sacrifice of the brave explorers who filled in the final details of the world's map.From WED Disneyland Dictionary 1968 Below decks are crews' bunks, open-hearth galley and forge, officers' cabins all fully equipped for "round the world" voyaging. Required a "B" ticket in 1964-1965