Guests could see Tom Sawyer's Island on opening day in 1955, but they couldn't access it until the summer of 1956.That's when the "D" ticket rafts to Tom Sawyer's Island began operating their regular service between a dock on Frontierland's riverbank and another one on the islands southern tip about a hundred feet away.With some 40 or so passengers at a time making the one minute trip at about 4 miles per hour. The raft crossing is still only made during daylight hours.These rafts do not run on underwater tracks they are instead steered by cast members.The names of the rafts are: Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Injun Joe, Becky Thatcher.In 2006 rafts Becky Thatcher , Huck Finn and Injun Joe were renamed to: Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, and Captain Kidd It's a short trip across the river to fun with balancing rocks secret caves and a barrel bridge. Tom and Huck never had it so good.
This is how Disney describes Rafts To Tom Sawyer Island in 2024 Travel by log raft across the Rivers of America and retrace the steps of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn when they ran away to live carefree lives as pirates. Wander quiet paths shaded by sycamore and oak trees and enjoy scenic views of the riverbanks. Cross creaky suspension bridges in Smuggler’s Cove.
From WED Disneyland Dictionary 1968 Rafts To Tom Sawyer Island Ferry passengers from the mainland near Fowlers Harbor to the "Old Mill" on Tom Sawyer's Island on the Rivers Of America. There are four rafts. In 2006 rafts Beck Thatcher , Huck Finn and Injun Joe were renamed to: Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, and Captain Kidd
Specs Capacity 1485 per hour -- Capacity per raft 55 -- Cycle Time 4:22 -- Load Time :26 -- Unload Time :34 -- Trip Time 1:11 -- Dispatch Interval 2:13 -- Trips per hour 27 -- Distance Traveled 240 feet -- Speed 1.7 MPH