From WED Disneyland Dictionary 1968 Displays unusual china, glassware and distinctive Disneyland gifts, all available for purchase.
China Closet Secrets:
From WED Disneyland Dictionary 1968
Displays unusual china, glassware and distinctive Disneyland gifts, all available for purchase.
From Steve Birnbaum brings you the best of Disneyland 1982:
This bastion of breakable things offers the usual assortment of Disney character figurines, but they make up only a very small percent- age of the merchandise. Teacups and teapots come in dozens of colors and styles. Canisters and ashtrays, jars and lamps and sugar bowls and creamers in colored glasses fill the shelves, along ?with accent pieces from Belleek and Lenox, statuettes from the Spanish company Lladro, and intriguing Norman Rockwell plates and figurines from Dave Grossman. Blessedly, the aisles are wide enough so that there's little danger of knocking anything over.
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