Mickey Mouse and a cast of beloved Disney characters will embark on a series of musical adventures through the magical powers of a sorcerer's map in "Mickey and the Magical Map," the all-new live show coming to the Fantasyland Theatre in Disneyland Park May 25. Created by Disney Creative Entertainment, "Mickey and the Magical Map" was conceived for children of all ages and represents the return of ...
Mickey Mouse Returns To Disneyland's Fantasyland Theatre In High-Tech Stage Show
Mickey Mouse is center stage again in Fantasyland. The world's most famous mouse has reclaimed Disneyland's Fantasyland Theatre for himself after a six-year occupation by the Disney princesses. In recent years, the theme park venue was used as a meeting place for Disney royalty instead of an actual theater. It's now home to a new song-and-dance extravaganza called "Mickey and the Magical Map." ...
The Spirit of Pocahontas Takes Center Stage at Disneyland
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the Blue Corn Moon or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?" No? Well, that's probably because you haven't seen The Spirit of Pocahontas, the new live stage show opening today at Disneyland. Set to hit the Videopolis stage on the same day as Disney's 33rd full-length animated feature, Pocahontas, hits the screen, The Spirit of Pocahontas tells the timeless, ...
Disneyland is kicking off the summer season with its new nighttime show, 'Light Magic,' which debuts May 21. The show replaces the Electrical Parade on Main Street, which has captivated crowds for more than 24 years. 'Light Magic' will feature four shows nightly on weekends and holidays. The Electrical Parade's half-million tiny, colorful bulbs that illuminated Main Street and Disney's army of characters ...
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