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Disneyland Alweg Monorail Articles
Walt Disney King Of Fantasy

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Status: Archive

Source: Palm Springs Life

Dateline: July 1, 1965

Posted: January 5, 2012

Walt Disney and friends. Walt Disney, whose Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck brought laughter to the world and whose Disneyland is a playground for the world's people, calls his home at Smoke Tree Ranch, "my laughing place." Whimsical, as always, he refers to the Uncle Remus story where Brer Rabbit oh-so-casually mentions his "laughing place" and makes it sound so intriguing that Brer Fox insists on ...

Disneyland Digs In At Anaheim

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Status: Archive

Source: Independent Press Telegram

Dateline: February 13, 1955

Posted: October 6, 2015

With opening date set for July 15, construction is going full speed ahead on Disneyland, multi-million dollar wonder of the entertainment world at Anaheim in Orange County. The total investment is expected to approximate $17 million.Grading and bulldozing are completed. Excavation of the various waterways in Disneyland is finished. Construction has started on several buildings, with the exterior of one ...

The Mountain Comes To Disneyland

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Status: Archive

Source: Independent Press Telegram

Dateline: March 29, 1959

Posted: October 22, 2015

Six spectacular new attractions, built at a cost of 5.5 million dollars, are nearing completion at Disneyland, the greatest enlargement of the Anaheim Fairyland of entertainment since its opening in 1955. Beginning in June, Disneyland visitors from all over the world will race in speedy bobsleds from the top of snow-capped Matterhorn Mountain; dive in submarines to the mysterious depths of the Seven ...

Disney Monorail Every Day Makes A Mouse Of The MTA

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Status: Archive

Source: Independent Press Telegram

Dateline: January 1, 1961

Posted: October 24, 2015

When the Metropolitan Transit Authority people quit fooling around and really want a rapid transit mass transportation system built, all they have to do is turn the problem over to Walt Disney. Disney didn't read any reports on feasibility of monorail etc. He saw it operate in Germany and came home and said, "build me one of those." So his engineers went out and built him a monorail system ...

Disneyland Guides

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Status: Archive

Source: Independent Press Telegram

Dateline: March 26, 1961

Posted: October 24, 2015

Speak to anyone who has toured the commercial playgrounds of the world. He will tell you that one of the cleanest, most imaginative, most efficient, most unforgettable fun centers is Disneyland. The major reason for this is Mickey Mouse's world famous father, Walt Disney. Disney is a man bedeviled by a perfectionist complex. According to him, "Everything can be improved." From time to time he ...

Shake Hands With A Character

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Status: Archive

Source: Independent Press Telegram

Dateline: June 4, 1961

Posted: October 26, 2015

Disneyland is the place. of course. From Walt Disney's parade of cartoons and motion pictures started 38 years ago, 33 of his most famous characters will come dancing out of fantasy and out of the silver screen to cavort with patrons as the seventh summer season gets under way at the famous park. Each year since Disneyland opened in 1955, new attractions and entertainment have been added as the park ...

African Veldt

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Status: Archive

Source: Independent Press Telegram

Dateline: September 6, 1964

Posted: October 28, 2015

Way down in Jungleland, below the Amazin' Disney line, there's news among the gnus. "The Trapped Safari" is the new headline feature and a bit of bright fun in Disneyland's far-famed Adventureland and the Jungle River Cruise. Jackals, hyenas and buzzards lay siege to a comical hunter and his retinue treed by the wild beasts. Disneyland adventurers drift safely past as lions devour an unsuspecting prey ...

Disneyland Announces New Attractions For Fall

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Status: Archive

Source: Pasadena Independent

Dateline: October 3, 1966

Posted: November 23, 2015

Disneyland's fall schedule moves into October with three new adventures open, a fourth nearing completion special private nighttime parties for major groups and site preparations for a new Tomorrowland During the fall, the relaxed time to see Disneyland following the summer rush, the "Magic Kingdom "is open Wednesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 7 ...

New Pact Ups Disney To 3500 Weekly

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Status: Archive

Source: Variety

Dateline: April 18, 1961

Posted: May 4, 2017

Walt Disney's new seven-year pact as exec producer and general supervisor of Disneyland will be voted upon by Disney stockholders May 16 meeting in Burbank. According to proxies sent stockholders yesterday, new deal has already been approved by Bank of America, National Trust Savings Assn., and Prudential Insurance Co. of America, from whom Disney company has made substantial loans. Under terms ...

Onward And Upward With The Arts

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Status: Archive

Source: New Yorker

Dateline: September 7, 1963

Posted: January 1, 1997

One day last year in Los Angeles, as I was about to step aboard a helicopter that would take me to Disneyland with my teen-aged son and daughter, these two, smiling wanly, nodded toward a tourist poster that gave equal billing to our destination and to Forest Lawn cemetery. Their gesture reminded me that in earlier years they had wasted hundreds of child-hours vainly urging me to bring them on this very ...

Disneyland Adds Submarine And Monorail

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Status: Archive

Source: Popular Mechanics

Dateline: July 1, 1959

Posted: January 1, 1997

Forty-Passenger submarines, a bobsled down a replica of the Matterhorn, and 82-passenger monorail trains are features of a new addition to Disneyland near Los Angeles, Calif. Passengers on the submarines make a realistic underwater journey through coral gardens, then descend to greater depths to view the wrecks of old treasure galleons and pass under the polar icecap. The conning towers on the ...

Fairyland Of Yesterday And Tomorrow

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Status: Archive

Source: Popular Mechanics

Dateline: December 1, 1954

Posted: January 1, 1997

Forty passengers at a time will get a realistic impression of space travel in a huge moon rocket being built near Los Angeles as part of Walt Disney's $9,000,000 Disneyland recreation park. Strapped to their seats, the passengers will thrill at the vibration and roar of the simulated take-off, listen to the staccato commands of the rocket captain over the intercom, watch the earth recede below them ...

Disneyland And Son

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Status: Archive

Source: Time

Dateline: June 29, 1959

Posted: January 1, 1997

Once upon a time (i.e., four years ago) professionally sentimental, consistently profit making Hollywoodsman Walt Disney build the zingiest, zowiest toy his fertile mind could imagine-and then invited others to come play with it. So far, some 16 million have taken up the offer. Last week 24,000, including Vice President Nixon and his family, were on hand to help Walt celebrate the fourth anniversary of the ...

A Fantasy That Paid Off

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Status: Archive

Source: New York Times Magazine

Dateline: June 27, 1964

Posted: January 1, 1997

The place is surrounded by a berm, a high barrow of earth, that insulates it from the external world. There is a single gateway where admission is charged. This, the land of Disney, is more secure than ancient Troy. No Trojan horse will get into Disneyland. Guards at the main gate closely scrutinize all who enter. Not even an unseemly teenager will get past them, much less a Trojan horse. Disneyland is ...

Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom

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Status: Archive

Source: Readers Digest

Dateline: April 1, 1960

Posted: January 1, 1997

Twenty years ago," Walt said as we drove toward Disneyland, some 25 miles southeast of central Los Angeles, "I was always trying to think of a place to take my two small daughters on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon - a place where I could have fun, too. "At an amusement park the only fun provided for a father, besides having his bottom dropped out from under him on the roller coaster, was the same he ...

Magic Worlds Of Walt Disney

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Status: Archive

Source: National Geographic

Dateline: August 1, 1963

Posted: January 1, 1997

Disneyland really started more than 20 years ago, when Walt got the idea for an amusement park that grownups as well as children would enjoy. "I had all my drawing things laid out at home, and I'd work on plans for the park, as a hobby, at night." At the time, amusement parks were dying all over the country, "I talked Disneyland but no one could see it," Walt recalled. "So I went ahead and spent my ...


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Status: Archive

Source: Saturday Review

Dateline: June 19, 1965

Posted: January 1, 1997

Foamrubbersville: Los Angeles obviously believes in its own existence but it is hard for the visitor to share the native faith. The faith it self is as nebulous as it is intense-as all enduring faith should be-but one really needs to be born to it, for conversion comes hard. Like its central shrine, which is, of course, Hollywood, Los Angeles does finally flicker as if with life, but only as the projection ...

Autumn And Disneyland

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Status: Archive

Source: Vacationland

Dateline: October 1, 1959

Posted: December 6, 2005

It's a wonderful, leisurely time of year to visit Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom! Anytime is a "good time" to visit Walt Disney unique Magic Kingdom - just ask the 12 million adults and 4 million children who've already been here! But with the Fall season, there is particular appeal and a still different enchantment about Disneyland, where guests find themselves "worlds away from today" - leaving ...

Disneyland Guided Tour

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Status: Archive

Source: Vacationland

Dateline: October 1, 1959

Posted: December 6, 2005

Disneyland Guided Tour - a personally conducted visit to all the realms within the Magic Kingdom - starts its second season, beginning September 14. When it was introduced last Fall, the Tour enthusiastically received by thousands of Disneyland visitors. Their comments ranged from "wonderful" to "thoroughly enjoyable" And almost unanimously, those interviewed in Disneyland Public Opinion polls said ...

Worlds Largest Clothes Closet Wardrobe Department

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Status: Archive

Source: Disney News

Dateline: October 1, 1969

Posted: March 8, 2022

"I suppose we could tie the world up in yarn. The amount of yardage and thread used to make costumes for Disneyland is unbelievable. I couldn't even hazard a guess how much material we use in one year." These comments came from Tom Pierce, guardian of the world's largest clothes closet -- Disneyland's Wardrobe Department. The Department, which houses over 300,000 ...

Transportation Is Large Part Of Show

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Status: Archive

Source: Disney News

Dateline: December 1, 1967

Posted: March 12, 2022

One would never think that Disneyland, the most fabulous entertainment center in the world, would feature an interwoven complex of nearly every kind of transportation conceived. Transportation systems of the past, vehicles of the present and transporters of the future are a big part of the Disneyland show. The first vehicles a Disneyland visitor encounters are the Main Gate trams, a series of ...

New Tomorrowland Where The Dreams Of The Future Are Reality Today

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Status: Archive

Source: Vacationland

Dateline: June 1, 1967

Posted: March 14, 2022

Realizing that time had naught It wish Disneyland's Tomorrowland, Walt may and his use at WED Enterprises began research in 1964 for an entirely new Tomorrowland - a $22 million project costing $5 million more than the total initial Disneyland investment. This complete rebuilding of Disneyland's world of Tomorrow follows Walt Disney, philosophy first expressed Disneyland's Dedication ...

In June 1959 Vice President Richard Nixon Was Abducted At Disneyland

Status: Current

Source: disneydining.com

Dateline: March 11, 2022

Posted: March 15, 2022

On a warm summer Sunday in 1959, the unthinkable happened. Then-Vice President Richard Nixon was kidnapped at Disneyland, and Secret Service agents who had been by his side only moments before were completely blind-sided. It was Sunday, June 14, 1959, and Monorail Red had yet to cooperate with Imagineers. She was scheduled to be dedicated that afternoon, and Walt Disney had written a personal ...

Monorail Fad Or Fashion

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Status: Archive

Source: Vacationland

Dateline: September 1, 1961

Posted: April 9, 2022

"The biggest stumbling block to monorail as a metropolitan rapid transit system is that it's a 'young' method of transportation. It lacks the experience and public exposure of, for example, a subway." So says John C. Wise, Chief of Engineering for Disneyland, who has been closely associated with the Disneyland-Alweg Monorail System for the past three years. "The ...

Finding Dory Octopus Swims Into Submarine Lagoon

Status: Current

Source: Orange County Register

Dateline: June 27, 2022

Posted: July 2, 2022

A seven-armed octopus from “Finding Dory” with camouflaging capabilities who just wants some peace and quiet is about to become visible to thousands of Disneyland visitors and a flock of squawking seagulls after hiding beneath a tarp in the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage lagoon. Hank the septopus from “Finding Dory” will join the cast of amphibious creatures in the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage ...

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