Last Updated: August 4, 2023
A special area at the Park with a separate entrance to be made available for special parties.
Milt Albright came up with the idea of a special area at the Park with a separate entrance to be made available for special parties for companies and organizations. The place would be called HOLIDAYLAND. There would be a tent (Mickey Mouse Club Circus tent) for meetings, ball fields and play areas. Although Disneyland was totally non-alcoholic, here there would be beer. Unfortunately, it was almost impossible to get enough temporary rest rooms to handle the beer consumption. In addition, some of the guests would get sloshed on beer and come into the Park that way. The guests could enter Disneyland through a special gate.
Holidayland was intended to attract big family reunions, or, ideally, corporations that would buy up to 7,000 tickets for their employees and then bring them all together for a day-long company picnic. Admission to Holidayland, unfortunately, did not include admission to Disneyland; it did, however, include access to a special Disneyland entrance where a park-admission ticket could be purchased and then a path could be taken under the berm into what would now be the back of New Oreleans Square.