First introduced to guests at the 1964 New York World's Fair. This incredibly lifelike show stunned audiences with its realism, and marked the first time Audio-Animatronics -- an electronic animation and synchronization process -- was used to animate a human form.
Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln was inspired by Liberty Street which was to be located between Main Street and Tomorrowland but was never built.
This was the first Disney attraction to show on both coasts simultaneously: New York Worlds Fair and Disneyland
Buddy Baker composed the original music for this attraction.
The narrator's name is the late Paul Frees. His distinctive voice can also be heard in several other Disney attractions such as "Haunted Mansion" (narrator), and "Adventure thru Inner Space" (narrator).
Pre-show narrator - Pete Renoudet
Narrator - Paul Frees
Abraham Lincoln - Royal Dano
The Lincoln figures that have compliance were actually developed at the University of Utah and SARCOS Research Corp.
The First Lincoln figure built (1964) was shown at the Worlds Fair
The Second Lincoln figure built was a spare never shown to the public
The Third Lincoln figure built (1965) was a revised design and shown in the Worlds Fair second year
The Fourth Lincoln figure built (1965) was shown at Disneyland: Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln
In 1965, the figure constantly went into spasms in mid-performance. After thoroughly checking the robot's electrical system, maintenance realized that the show's power supply was fed by the same sub station that fed 600 volts to the Monorail. Whenever the Monorail, ran in these sections, there would be a power surge, causing Lincoln to spasm. Surge suppressors didn't work, so Lincoln's power line was run under Town Square and linked to another sub station behind City Hall.
From Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln Cast Member Guide: 1965
Located in the Opera House on the Town Square near the entrance to the Magic Kingdom, "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln" now has its permanent home in Disneyland.
Highlight of the show are excerpts from Abraham Lincoln's famous speeches and writings, delivered from the stage by Walt Disney's lifelike Lincoln figure.
The show opens with the Preamble to the Constitution being recited through the use of stereophonic sound, making it seem as if the audience itself was participating.
As the narrator begins his introduction, Lincoln first appears seated in thoughtful dignity. As the narrator introduces his address he "comes'to life." Apparently immobile moments before, he rises to his feet and speaks, delivering his address with complete coordination of movements and speech -- and many mannerisms of the sixteenth President.
An emotion-stirring finale finds Lincoln again seated, now silhouetted against the imposing dome of the Capitol building in the early light of dawn.
As singing voices, joined in harmony, seem to move through the audience like an invisible procession, viewers are en-compassed in a stereophonic choral presentation of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic."
At the same time, the crimson and white sky behind Lincoln dissolves into a symbolic representation of the American flag, the clouds billowing into the stripes, the stars twink-ling in a field of blue. With the curtains fully open, this "flag" spreads across the background of the entire stage.
The shows will be presented on a 12-minute cycle, or five complete performances each hour.
The text of Lincoln's speech is excerpts from the following six addresses:
1. Address at Sanitary Fair Baltimore, Md., April 18, 1864
2. Speech at Edwardsville, Ill. September 11, 1858
3. Address before the Young Men's Lyceum Springfield, Ill., January 27, 1838
4. Same
5. Eulogy to Henry Clay Springfield, III., July 6, 1852
6. Address at Cooper Institute New York City, February 27, 1860
Royal Dano, lean, lanky, unassuming New Yorker, is the voice of Abraham Lincoln.
The authentic, sincere, almost homespun quality of Dano's voice has caused several Lincoln scholars to say, ''This is Abraham Lincoln to the life." This was part of the thorough-going research that went into the Disney production, for Walt Disney demanded "not an actor's voice, but the real voice."
The following is the complete script for "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln."
NARRATOR These immortal words, when first they, were written, pro-claimed to the world on idea new among men.
This was the American dream, the prayer for the future. But that golden goal, was not to be had without cost. The American way was not gained in a day. It was born in adversity, forged out of conflict, perfected and proven only after long experience and trial.
Our nation's greatest crisis occurred when Abraham Lincoln was our President...and our protector ...for Abraham Lincoln gave all to save the Union.
We pay tribute here, not to a man who lived a century ago -- but to an individual who lives today in the hearts of all freedom-loving people.
His prophetic words are as valid for our time as they were for his...
And now the skills of the sculptor and the talents of the artist will let us relive great moments with Mr. Lincoln...
The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty,and the American people, just now, are much in want of one.
We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing.
"What constitutes the bulwark of our...liberty and independence?
"It is not our frowning battlements and bristling seacoasts...
"These are not our reliance against...tyranny...
Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms.
"Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere.
"Destroy this spirit, and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.
"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?
"By what means shall we fortify against it?
"Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow?
"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined...could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.
"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?
"I answer, that if it ever reach us, it must spring from amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be the authors and finishers.
As a nation of free men, we must live through all times or die by suicide.
"Let reverence for the law be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap -- let it be taught in the schools, in the seminaries, and in the colleges -- let it be written in primers, in spelling books, and almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice.
"And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly at its altars.
And let us strive to deserve, as far as mortals may, the continued care of Divine Providence, trusting that, in future national emergencies, He will not fail to provide us the instruments of safety and security.
"Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, or frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves.
"Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."
The Lincoln Theatre, a new indoor amphitheatre located in the old Opera House, is divided into three areas.
The first serves as an entrance or gathering area for the guests and offers a panoramic view of the White House which is done in miniature, and a background scene of Washington, D.C. The White House miniature is 11 1/2 feet long and 4 1/2 feet high.
From here, the group moves into the second area which is the pre-show theatre. Here, while waiting to see "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln" they will be presented a slide show on a 28 foot screen called The Lincoln Story," told in Lincoln's own words.
The entire pre-show room is decorated with 900 yards of Rovanna-Verel blue draperies.
Upon completion of the pre-show, which acts as an introduction to "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln," the audience moves into the main theatre which seats 500 people in Stellar series theatre seats. The seats are red in color, matching 150 yards of red draperies on stage.
All drapery materials in the entire theatre are fireproof and especially woven for this show.
Everything modern fire-prevention engineering can do has been installed in the Lincoln exhibit to provide maximum guest protection. All areas are completely sprinklered and the exhibit contains 750 sprinkler heads, carrying from 85 to 100 pounds of pressure.
In the electronics room there are ten cylinders of carbox which are automatically and manually controlled, and throughout the area are chemical extinguishers.
In addition to fire-resistant draperies, even the steel girders are glass coated.
The entire Lincoln exhibit contains 1,294 yards of carpeting with sponge rubber backing, cemented to the floor.
There are 118 spotlights used for lighting effects during the show, and 14 projectors used to create the stars and stripes sky background at the closing of the show.
The dome of the Capitol is three-dimensional and was hand-constructed in the Staff Shop at Disneyland.
There are 56 speakers used to create the stereophonic sound throughout the theatre.
The exhibit is set up to accommodate 500 people in the entrance room, 500 in the pre-show theatre, and 500 in the Lincoln Theatre.
The prototype Lincoln figure was first developed about six years ago and has been used since for experimentation, refinement and improvement. Further research and development resulted in additional sophistication of techniques. The devices used in the new figure are featured during the second season of the World's Fair.
WED "imagineers" -- artists, model-makers, sculptors, engineers and mechanics --spent a total of more than five months in research alone to assure exact likeness and measurements.
Dimensions of the face were taken from an actual life-mask of Lincoln. The eyes were created from an intensive study of many photographs, paintings and written descriptions, including one in Mrs. Lincoln's diary. Other dimensions came from biographical works, although not all historians agree on Lincoln's height and weight.
Work on the new figure began with the creation of the head. A detailed model was first sculptured in plastiline (plastic clay) using Lincoln's life-mask. From this, a flexible skin was then fabricated over a rigid plastic structure. The features from the original model were maintained to the most minute detail.
The hair and beard were created by o professional wig maker. Hands were cast from actual hands of a man of comparable size. Eyes were created by WED artists, using techniques similar to those employed by prosthetic eye manufacturers, and dental techniques were used to design the gums and teeth.
The new figure is capable of 48 separate body actions, as well as 17 head motions and facial expressions, all performed in life-like movements and mannerisms. This flexibility permits a total of nearly 275,000 possible combinations of action.
Costuming includes a black suit; white, high-collar shirt; black string bow tie; vest; watch chain; and black high-top shoes.
The Lincoln Theatre will operate with five hostesses and a foreman. The positions will be:
1. Ticket Receptionist
2. Pre-show Entrance Hostess
3. Theatre Entrance Hostess
4. Theatre Exit Hostess.
Ticket Receptionist
The operator at the turnstile is the official hostess for "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln." It is her job to receive the guests and collect their tickets. Tickets will be required from adults only as the show is free to children under 18.
As official hostess, she must learn the techniques of audience control, and never turn her back to the guests. It is her job to help make the waiting time mare pleasant.
And, of course, she will be expected to be a walking, talking information expert.
Pre-show Entrance Hostess
She will hove to watch the automatic turnstiles and be sure the right number of guests are admitted to the pre-show theatre.
And, as in all positions, she will be expected to answer any and all questions.
Theatre Entrance Hostess
After the guests have viewed "The Lincoln Story," instruct them on entering the theatre. Request that they please
stand behind the designated area until after the automatic doors have opened. Also, explain to each group the policy on photography. The suggested way to do this is by saying, "In order to preserve the dignity of this presentation, the producers respectfully request that there be no photography in the theatre."
Theatre Exit Hostess
Immediately before the show begins, ask the guests again not to take any pictures.
Upon completion of the show, thank the guests and instruct them on exiting.
As we said in the beginning, since this is a new attraction, operations procedures will change as new experience is gained.
The above positions and duties are general breakdowns de-signed to start you off on the right foot.
Since you're new here, it won't hurt to remind you of our Disneyland motto..."Safety, Show, Courtesy, Capacity, and Cleanliness."
At all times and under all circumstances, Safety IS first.
We guarantee our guests a safe day when they come to Disneyland, and we must fulfill this promise.
Safety is engineered into every attraction. The rest is up to you as a guardian of this safety. At no time, under any circumstances, shall you sacrifice safety for any reason.
And the same applies to you. Your health and safety are vitally important. This is no place for horseplay...practical jokes...absent-mindedness. Don't you take any chances with your own health either. Safety is foremost in your work.
If our policy of courtesy has not yet been explained to you, then let's take care of it right now. Our reputation for that extra personal touch distinguishes Disneyland friendliness from ordinary courtesy. It is something we insist on, and the extra courtesy for which we are world famed is a built-in part of your job.
Seconds are of vital importance and split second control of the departure interval must be maintained. We must stick to the trip cycle and use every every second. In this way we reduce "wait time," which our guests do not enjoy.
It is especially appropriate that "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln" is being introduced at Disneyland in 1965... just 100 years after President Lincoln left his indelible impression on our American culture.
This show, created by Walt Disney and designed by WED Enterprises, Inc., is the culmination of many years of planning, research and engineering...a show that Disneyland is proud and honored to be able to present. "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln" is a tribute to the President who saved our code of laws, the Constitution, in its greatest hour of crisis a century ago.
This great tradition of Mr. Lincoln is now yours to represent and preserve in this new Walt Disney production.
From Attractions Report 1965
Placed as a "D" or 50ยข attraction to distribute capacity of this category. This change will be subject to reevaluation based on this Summer's experience.
From New Attraction Profiles: 1966
An actual life-mask of Lincoln was used to capture the famous countenance.
Special Disney approaches to theatrical staging and stereophonic sound have been combined to create this awe-inspiring Lincoln show. Through the use of sound speakers located throughout the auditorium, the audience itself seems to be a part of the proceedings.
The Lincoln figure rises and speaks, delivering his address with complete coordination of speech and movements, including many mannerisms of the 16th President. The "Audio-Animatronic" show ends with a dramatic finale in which Lincoln is seated against a backdrop of the Capitol dome bathed in dawn light while a large but unseen choir sings the majestic "Battle Hymn of the Republic" as Its voices move through the theatre toward the stage.
From WED Disneyland Dictionary 1968
Is one of Disneyland's most dramatic and awe-inspiring presentations. This personal experience with history is Walt Disney's tribute to a man who still lives today in the hearts of all freedom-loving people everywhere. Featuring the lifelike, life-size "Audio-Animatronics"* figure of the Sixteenth President, Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln presents a message as applicable today as it was a hundred years ago. Located in the Opera House on Town Square, this presentation includes the nation's capital in "capsulized realism," Lincoln memorabilia, a narrative of Lincoln's life illustrated with full-color art murals, and a 499-seat theatre where "Mr. Lincoln" delivers his inspiring address. Originally presented at the New York World's Fair 1964-1965, Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln is sponsored at Disneyland by Lincoln Savings and Loan Association.
The Fifth Lincoln figure built (1971) was shown at Walt Disney World
The Sixth Lincoln figure built (1975) was shown at Disneyland: The Walt Disney Story Featuring Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln
I believe there was one built around 1977 that traveled around the U.S. for shows. I am having trouble confirming that though.
The Seventh Lincoln figure built (1984) was shown at Disneyland: The Walt Disney Story Featuring Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln
The Eighth Lincoln figure built (1993) was shown at Walt Disney World
The Ninth Lincoln figure built (2009) is currently being shown at Disneyland: The Disneyland Story Featuring Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln