Mickey's Detective School A Musical Toondunit. This is a character school where you help Mickey and the gang solve the mystery of where Pluto has disappeared to. Something is awash a certain famous canine is missing and Mickey Mouse is on the case. That is the premise of Mickey's Detective School. Detective School takes a film noir approach and mixes in some classic Disney characters to create an interactive mystery musical for the whole family. The show begins as Minnie Mouse, appearing as the beautiful dame, appears tearfully in Mickey Mouse's Detective School with Pluto's empty collar. Stig Hastings, a detective who works for Mickey, then leads the audience through a series of clues to help solve the case of the missing canine. Several "suspects" such as Cruella De Vil and Captain Hook, not to mention members of the audience, are questioned in order to find poor Pluto. We wanted to create a musical that both children and adults will enjoy, says Denny Newell, show director for the Disneyland Resort. "Mickey's Detective School has swing music, characters and a fun plot that will keep the audience joyfully entertained throughout the entire production." Mickey's Detective School is a 25-minute production. It's an ok little show, young kids really seem to love it.